马友友, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile - The Goat Rodeo Sessions Live (2012) 1080P蓝光

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马友友, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile - The Goat Rodeo Sessions Live (2012) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.6G]

影片名称 : The Goat Rodeo :  Sessions Live (2012)
文件体积 : 20.6G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

Performers : 

Yo-Yo Ma (cello)
Stuart Duncan (fiddle, banjo, mandolin)
Edgar Meyer (bass, piano, gamba)
Chris Thile (mandolin, guitar, gamba, vocals)

Tracklist :

01. Quarter Chicken Dark
02. Where´s My Bow?
03. Here and Heaven
04. Franz and the Eagle
05. Helping Hand
06. 13:8
07. Hill Justice
08. No One But You
09. Attaboy
10. All Through The Night

Bonus Tracks :

01. Fiddle Medley
02. Less is Moi
03. Parallax
04. Bach : Gamba Sonata No. 1, Movements 3 & 4

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