【8239】 吴梦梦 - 中国古筝艺术 (2019) FLAC+CUE

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【8239】 吴梦梦  -  中国古筝艺术  (2019) FLAC+CUE

01 - 姜女泪 Lament Of The Great Wall (Opening) ...01:16
02 - 四合如意 Best Wishes ...06:23
03 - 上楼 Climbing Up The Stairs ...02:46
04 - 灯月交辉 Lanterns & Moonlight ...03:41
05 - 粉红莲 Pink Lotus ...06:30
06 - 寒鸦戏水 Winter Crows Playing In Water ...07:09
07 - 关山月 Frontier Moon ...02:14
08 - 三十三板 33 Measures ...02:21
09 - 梅花三弄 Plum Blossom Melody ...05:30
10 - 虞美人 Much Sorrow ...02:48
11 - 千声佛 Buddha's Chat ...02:27
12 - 姜女泪 Lament Of The Great Wall ...06:15
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